Wednesday 14 May 2014


Throughout the brief of Heroes and Villains I have thoroughly enjoyed taking photographs of myself in someone else' shoes. For my hero/icon I chose my favourite, inspirational model of all time, Twiggy. The main reason I chose her as my Icon is because of her influence towards a decade, the change she made regarding fashion and the influence she had on the female gender as a whole.
I feel quite proud of myself with my final image, although it could be more perfected, I feel as though the lighting was similar and the expression was on point.. although now I have finished I feel I could re-shoot and do a better job. But its all a learning curve.
For my Villain I chose the inspirational Nan Goldin, with her life as just an inspiration an whirlwind of fun times gradually falling apart leaving her with nothing to remember her past except photographs.
I feel the makeup is similar to Nan's beat up face, and the expression is dramatically asking for help.
I think the main reason I went ahead with this one is because of the Documentary of her life we watched in lesson really touched me- I am happy with my final outcome but mainly because Photoshop saved my life. Editing really give the photo the final touches they needed.
For my final Self-Portrait I used a basic 35mm film camera to show a natural photograph of my in the mirror. I like the simpleness to the image which gives the viewer connotations of passion within the photography world- this is how Id like people to view me as a person.
Overall throughout this brief I have gained various traits, working with lighting in the studio, using the Hasselblad more intensely to recreate photographs, working with people, makeup techniques, photoshop techniques and also working within a deadline.
If I was to re-do the brief I think I would control my time-management and use the studio/ different places to shoot more to recreate photographs so they almost can't tell they've been recreated.

To Display my work I have used a bigger frame for Twiggy as I think it was most appropriate, a small frame for the self-portrait. Although for my Nan Goldin image I have just used a slip as I don't think the image is meant to be framed as it is a documentation of her life.

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