Friday, 17 January 2014


For my independent learning agreement I decided to use the theme 'Family'. After a lot  experimentation and research I finally ended up with portraits I really wanted! Using the Hasselblad camera has made me realise it's my favourite camera to work with, I feel so comfortable using it now after a lot of experimenting. Comparing my first photo shoot were the photos are really dark and dingy, I had to make a lot of changes. Firstly I decided to take the photographs outside, as I felt the natural lighting really enhanced the subjects in each photograph, next I used a natural background which made the subjects the focal point in each shot. Finally I used a tripod to ensure that the images were in sharp focus which is vital. 
Printing has been really good for me this year, I feel I have progressed a lot in terms of taking my time to ensure the end process is how I want it to be and also by pushing myself for perfection rather than satisfactory.
I feel I have fulfilled all of my learning outcomes slowly with a few hiccups along the way, although my mistakes have got me to were I am now which makes me happy. My first learning outcome was to communicate effectively using a range of formats which I have completed by using the Hasselblad camera, processing and finally printing. I have also gained a lot more confidence working with close relatives and working with a film camera has helped me become independent in terms of working alone and focusing on a subject that I have chosen myself. 
 Here is my first family portrait took of my Nana Norma and her dog Holly. I used the plain background of my nanas house to enhance her and the dog. I love her happy expression which creates a warm, positive vibe. I also love the use of square format, as I feel its perfect for showing a series of family portraits.
I took this image of my Aunty Ali at her own home also, I love her facial expression, again creating a really positive atmosphere. The central composition makes the viewer concentrate on the subject rather than anything else- which is exactly what I wanted to portray. 

 Here is my 3rd Portrait of my Mam, Janet. I wanted to develop and explore a range of ideas, therefore I decided to use a different background (The background of my house) because I didn't want every portrait to be exactly the same. I like how the dark background enhances her features and her white coat. I struggled printing with the image the most, as it took time to get the right light on the enlarger to make her face look lighter.
 This is my 4th family portrait of my sister, Sherilyn. I love how natural her pose is, which creates a Documentary style. I love the contrast of the images from the rough stone background to the smooth skin on her face, I think the shadows are darker areas make the photograph quite quirky.

This is my 5th final image of my Dad, David. This has got to be my favourite image of the 6, probably because of the background and his facial expression. His direct eye contact draws in the viewer to look at his face, this creates a really intense mood.
I was so happy with this print because It was exactly the image I had in my head for the outcome, also previously on my blog if you compare this photograph to my previous image of my dad you can see the progress I have made using the Hasselblad camera.

This is my final 6th photograph of my Uncle, Peter. I love his stern facial expression which creates a really serious mood. The central composition yet again draws the viewers attention to the model (Which is my intention) rather than the background which is subtle.

Overall I am so pleased with the outcome of these images from my final personal project, not just because it has enabled me to be more confident and independent but also because I love my family and I was happy to know how pleased they were with my final images. I feel easier talking to people and making them feeling at ease whilst taking a photograph - which I used to struggle with.. making the subject feel relaxed really shows in the photograph!
From this I now know how to control time management and plan my own project which is VITAL to my education and my future photography profession.

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