Thursday 16 January 2014


I began my personal project by shooting rolls of 120 film, I was practicing which lighting techniques I prefer. As well as getting use to the camera itself. 
I like the composition of this photograph and the models pose. I also like the use of black and white which makes the photo have lots of contrast.

Again similar to the shot above the subject is close up, showing mainly her face. The expression on the models face creates quite an intense mood with the direct eye contact and the expression.

I moved the tripod further back to see how much more light is allowed into the lens. I prefer the close up shots personally I think they create more of a interesting portrait personally.

Again I was experimenting taking long and short distance shots, I still prefer the close-ups... however, I do like the lighting in the image.

I quite like the composition of the model, however I don't think her facial expression is serious enough.. ha.

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