Thursday, 16 May 2013


This photograph was taken at the Headland, Hartlepool. I have chosen this particular image as one of my final five not only because I feel it was one of my best negatives but also I think that it portrays the type of landscape we all live in. It is the opposite to the common landscape - sea,land,mountains,sky - it doesn't appear as beautiful. I am pleased with the outcome of this photo as I feel it is appropriate to the brief. I like the contrast of the image and the shadows create quite a dramatic effect. 

I took this photograph near the Power Station, Hartlepool. I chosen this as my second final photograph, mainly because of the contrast of the fence to the light background. When I look at the image I look at the grass then upwards, I like the gradual colour change from darker to light. I found it hard to create a print I was happy with as I struggled to get the contrast right. The photograph in my eyes demonstrates the environment we live in and see everyday.

My third final photograph was taken at the Headland Dock, Hartlepool. I chosen this photograph because it reminded me of a film we watched when we first got the landscape brief, 'Manufactured Landscapes'. The film demonstrated environmental ethics by a photographer named Ed Burtynsky who used large format field camera. The film made me see the world in another way, it made me realize all landscapes are not always the same in photographs we see and how they can be beautiful but in a different way to a typical land see, sky landscape. I like how the boat was captured in motion, with the still background of rubbish and cranes. I do not feel this is one of my strongest prints and if I was too have more time I would have taken more time to create a better contrast, particularly in the sky.

My fourth final shot was taken behind CCAD, Hartlepool. I felt this image was suitable because it shows the landscape for how we see it everyday, here and now. I like the contrast and shadows and also the airiness of the image. I re-printed the shot to crop out the mark in the right hand corner, however I only had one sheet of paper left and re-printed the negative out of focus slightly. If I was to re-do this print I would have taken more time to look for minor mistakes instead of the day after printing it. 

This is my final landscape photograph, taken at the Headland. I like the composition of the image and the space of the road narrowing. Also including the element of the industrial landscape with the two cranes at the end of the street. I like the contrast of the roofs of the houses to the bright sky, however I feel the sky lacks contrast. My five final photographs all include an element from the industrial landscape, portraying how we live today and showing how it can be beautiful - but only in a photograph.

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