I was quite uncertain as to whether to state photography jobs on my CV which I haven't been paid for. But I suppose its a job even if it is only for experience and not the money. In the lecture about CV writing we discussed how a CV is a story of your life - My skills, knowledge, experience, aspirations and passions.
I struggle speaking about myself in a really positive light as I feel kind of big headed, but I suppose I must introduce myself to prospective employers/clients who I feel I would like to work for therefore I must pursue my strengths within the Photography Industry.
A CV is a marketing document- unlike other industries
which employ personnel staff to filter job applications,
your CV may arrive directly on the desk of the person
with the authority to give you a job - this person will be
very busy, your CV has only seconds to make an
The BASE CV should include...
schools, college, university, relevant training courses
relevant to your career
when and where? Was it solo?
have you had any work published or have you been featured in publications
Awards & Prizes
have you won or been nominated for any? Do you have qualifications gained outside formal education – say
sports coaching badges or Arts Award
Other Experience
volunteering, Students Union, general experience where you have gained valuable experience but not in your
chosen field (say team work in a sales environment)
list any memberships to relevant professional bodies or trade associations
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