'Growing up is tough, even more so if you are a girl. You not only have to come to terms with you changing body, the incipient boyfriend problem, and the increasing pressures of reality: in order to become a woman you have to negotiate with socially prescribed gender roles, mass media's choice of role models and cliches, your parents' and peer group's expectations. German photographer Ute Behrend looks at the dilemmas facing young women with sharp wit and an exuberant confidence in woman's ability to playfully deal with society's gender images. Instead of presenting us with arid theories about gender and its discontents she created a picture book that is as funny and rebellious as it is critical.' - From the Publisher
This book has given me inspiration towards my book project, mainly because of the layout and the position Ute Behrend has decided to use. For example look at the two images above, I really like how the two photos fit together, in terms of colours and nature. Although the images are completely different they seem to fit together, similarly to all of her other images in the book- This is my intention for my own book.