Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Just to clarify you are expected to produce some examples of medium format black and white portraiture (film based) for your portfolios PLEASE NOTE that you are no longer required to submit the 9 prints. Due to timing and some initial stock flow difficulties at the beginning of term I have suspended this formative outcome. If you have already done this do not worry as the workshops are on-going - so please feel free to make work in darkroom.
Please note the times for tutorials on Friday  to discuss projects + learner agreement are as follows - please bring your ILA forms with you so that they can be signed.
Darran 09:30
Harriet 09:50
Emily  10:10
Ian  10:30
Mathew 10:50
Stephanie Reed  11:10
Rose 11:30
Ray 11:50
Reece 12:10
Steph Leighton 1:30
Rochelle 1:50
Kristal 2:10
Zeba 2:30
many thanks

More 5x4 negs

The more I shoot using 5x4 the more fussy I become. I am still looking which photographs I want to use for my 3 20x24 prints. Here are some photos I shot below of my sisters. Obviously the colour of the top two has a yellow cast because I took the photos inside with no natural lighting.
This photograph is a mid-length shot. I like the background and the warm tone to the neg, However I don't think the photograph will be appropriate as It is not in perfect focus and the photograph would look sharper with natural lighting aswell.

Similarly this photograph has lighting from lights giving a warm yellow glow. Which is hard for me to print as Im practicing printing normal skin tones. I do love the background however and also the models intense look on her face.

This photograph was taken outside, mid-shot length. I think this could be a potential final shot as it's in focus and I like the atmosphere this portrait creates.